Friday, September 01, 2017

No Chinese Soldier would have walked out alive from Doklam if China attacked?

via Defense News.IN
A day after China and India ended their worst military confrontation in decades, sources said the government negotiated the settlement from a position of strength because the army had enveloped the entire area and “had made enough provisions to neutralize the Chinese forces”.

The location of the hotspot was advantageous for India because it can move its soldiers faster to the border near Sikkim than China. Yesterday, China and India withdrew troops from the remote Doklam Plateau that is disputed territory for China and Bhutan. India backs Bhutan’s claim and in mid-June, its soldiers crossed the border at Sikkim to stop China from building a new road which India saw as a serious challenge to the security of its northeastern states.

Government sources who cannot be named on account of the sensitivity of the situation said that there is wide acknowledgement of “the sheer resilience of our armed forces who refused to give up and had strategically surrounded” the flashpoint, located at least 10,000 feet above sea level. They also said that Army Chief Bipin Rawat was “extremely confident of ensuring maximum damage” which helped in getting China to agree to a settlement reached through diplomatic talks.
Story here. 

Consider this post as being an example of the animosity that exists in the region.

The title they chose was click bait but the sentiment is real.  India just doesn't like China.