Thanks to Samuel for the link!
via The Firearms Blog.
The US Army’s program to field a new standard-issue 7.62mm caliber rifle is dead in the water, it seems. Multiple anonymous sources have informed TFB that the Interim Combat Service Rifle program has been cancelled as part of a massive review of US Army small arms programs. The program was officially announced on August 4th, and lasted just over a month before its cancellation.Story here.
Few specifics about the cancellation have been revealed, but TFB’s sources cited the lack of a pressing threat necessitating the change, poorly written requirements, little or no support from the ranks, and no backing holistic DOTMLPF assessment. If these reflections are accurate, then it indicate that ICSR may have been a poorly-constructed program driven by the preferences of the brass and not the needs of the actual soldier.
TFB nailed it. This program came out of nowhere! No one saw it coming, no one could explain the why behind it and I never heard one person speak out in favor of it.
I hope TFB stays on this story and digs in to find out how the hell this became a "thing" in the first place.