Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Dunford just signed us up for another 6 or 7 years in Afghanistan...

via The Drive.
Corps General Joseph Dunford went to Capitol Hill to talk to Senators about the state of America’s longest war. Among other things, America’s top uniformed military officer discussed efforts to improve the capability of Afghanistan’s military, specifically noting plans to deliver a gunship version of the UH-60 Black Hawk to the country’s air force.

On Sept. 18, 2017, two UH-60A+ Black Hawks, the first of nearly 160 aircraft the United States plans to deliver to the Afghan Air Force, arrived a Kandahar Air Field on board a U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo plane. The entire fleet will eventually incorporate almost 60 aircraft equipped with forward firing weaponry for close air support missions.

“Longterm, and that's about six or seven years from now, we'll completely have transformed the Afghan Air Force,” General Dunford said in response to a question from Senator Deb Fischer, a Republic from Nebraska, during the hearing on Oct. 3, 2017. “A key piece of that is the transition from Mi-17 helicopters to UH-60 helicopters, which includes an attack variant.”
Story here. 

Everyone loves attack helicopters.  I know I do, but this time people got dazzled by the metal instead of examining the words of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

He sees us in Afghanistan for another 6 or 7 years.

Trump lied.

The Pentagon lied.

They're giving us generational warfare whether we like it or not.

When will someone with brains decide that he biggest part of the swamp is at the Pentagon?  If you want to actually drain the DC cesspool then you might want to start with leadership in that building.

Why am I pissed?

Because he is in essence telling me that his new strategy to win the war will require almost another decade of Americans dying in Afghanistan.

Think about it like this.  Someone just got to Junior High.  He doesn't know it but he might meet his maker seven years from now in the mountains of a country he doesn't even know exists.

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