Thursday, October 05, 2017

ST Kinetics, SAIC & CMI are teaming to make Singapore's Next Generation Fighting vehicle into a Mobile Protected Firepower contender (Light Tank)

via Business Wire.
Science Applications International Corp. (NYSE: SAIC) announced today that it will compete to rapidly develop combat vehicle prototypes to meet the U.S. Army’s need as part of the Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) program. SAIC, together with ST Kinetics and CMI Defence, will develop and integrate a vehicle that offers the Army an innovative solution that provides infantry forces access to combat environments in 21st century operations.

“As a systems integrator, SAIC can deliver an alternative option to the Army that brings together best-of-breed, non-developmental components to field a new combat vehicle quickly that meets critical requirements,” said Jim Scanlon, SAIC senior vice president and general manager of the Defense Systems Customer Group. “Rapid delivery of this MPF solution is essential to the Army and our solution is extremely well-positioned to meet these requirements and deliver a modernized vehicle to soldiers.”

Based on ST Kinetics’ Next Generation Armored Fighting Vehicle (NGAFV) chassis and CMI Defence’s Cockerill Series 3105 turret currently in production, SAIC will compete for an Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract to build prototypes that incorporate a lightweight combat vehicle design while still providing mobility and lethality for Army units. Such a vehicle will enable freedom of movement and action, specifically for restrictive, urban operations but tailorable for full-spectrum combat environments.
Story here. 

I've gone from being enthused about the Army's Mobile Protected Firepower program into being extremely skeptical.

This might be the solution for other countries...slapping a tank caliber gun on an APC chassis but for the US Army it seems like a terrible move.

The US can build a dedicated light tank. 

If the Chinese can so can we...think about that.  We're now comparing the gear we procure to what the Chinese are doing.  Excuse me while I punch a wall....

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