Friday, October 06, 2017

The example for leaking national secrets denied only took one to turn off the spigot...

via Defense News.
 A woman charged with leaking U.S. secrets must remain jailed until her trial, a federal judge ruled Thursday, saying her release would pose an “ongoing risk to national security.”

Reality Winner, 25, is a former Air Force linguist who worked as a contractor for the National Security Agency at a facility in Augusta, Georgia, when she was charged in June with copying a classified U.S. report and mailing it to a news organization.

Winner’s defense attorneys asked a judge to reconsider releasing her on bail after her trial date was postponed from October to next March. They argued Winner had no prior criminal history and served admirably in the military. Winner’s mother in Kingsville, Texas, planned to move to Georgia to ensure her daughter obeyed any terms of her bond.

But U.S. Magistrate Judge Brian K. Epps sided with prosecutors in ruling that keeping Winner jailed is the only way to ensure she doesn’t flee overseas or leak more secret information. The judge referenced prosecutors’ transcript of a Facebook chat in February in which Winner wrote to her sister: “Look, I only say I hate America like 3 times a day.”
Story here.

When the history of the Trump Admin is written a couple of things will be noteworthy during his first year.

The first will be Trump's erratic tweeting, weird press events and seemingly contradictory statements/positions.

The second will be the flood of secret information that was leaked to the press.

We all wondered aloud how this could be allowed and why it wasn't being stopped.  Well the govt finally stepped up to the plate and made Reality Winner the "example" to all and it worked.

A foolish young lady is about to get gob smacked and her life is gonna be ruined because she believed the hype.  Like every expendable asset, she was used for the task given her, and then promptly discarded.

The resistance as the Dems called it really only claimed one scalp in this whole affair.  The people that have resigned from the Admin since Jan all self destructed, but Winner was a true believer and she's sitting in jail looking slack eyed and silly.

Yeah.  She was used.  Yeah.  She was made an example of.  Yeah.  Her young life is ruined.

Yet somehow I can't make myself care.

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