Friday, November 10, 2017

BTR-4E still in the running in Thailand according to Ukraine...

via Janes.
Ukraine’s state-owned defence exports and industry agency UkrOboronProm is continuing discussions with the Royal Thai Army (RTA) over the supply and local production of the 8x8 BTR-4E armoured personnel carrier (APC), Jane’s has learnt.

The BTR-4E and China’s 8x8 VN-1 APC, made by Norinco, were downselected to meet the RTA’s APC requirement earlier this year, with the Chinese product declared by the government in June as the preferred tenderer.

However, a contract between the RTA and Norinco has not yet been signed and a UkrOboronProm official stressed that the agency remains “actively engaged’ with the RTA about a potential order of the BTR-4E.
Hmm.  I just don't see the Ukrainian offering being able to match what the Chinese are in the VN-1.  That rig looks like a more modern design, seems to swim better and as far as weapon systems it looks like its almost plug and play.

It'll be fun to watch Thailand on this one.

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