Monday, November 20, 2017

Germany is teetering on the brink and the Merkel govt might not survive.

Thanks to Moebius 2249 for the link!

via Reuters.
The failure of exploratory coalition talks involving her conservative bloc, the liberal pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and environmentalist Greens raises the prospect of new elections and casts doubt over her future after 12 years in power.
Negotiations broke down after the FDP withdrew saying they had found insufficient common ground with her Christian Democratic/Christian Social Union bloc and the Greens.
President Walter Steinmeier said Germany was now facing the worst governing crisis in the 68-year history of its post-World War Two democracy. After meeting Merkel, he warned parties not to shirk their democratic duties - remarks seemingly targeted at the FDP and Social Democrats (SPD), who on Monday ruled out renewing their “grand coalition” with the conservatives.
“Inside our country, but also outside, in particular in our European neighborhood, there would be concern and a lack of understanding if politicians in the biggest and economically strongest country (in Europe) did not live up to their responsibilities,” he said in a statement.
Business leaders also called for a swift return to talks.
With German leadership seen as crucial for a European Union grappling with governance reform and Britain’s impending exit, FDP leader Christian Lindner’s announcement that he was pulling out spooked investors and sent the euro falling in the morning.
Story here. 

It's funny.  I was always taught that a parliamentary type govt was more responsive to the people but apparently that's not true.

The Germans are suffering from the same problems that the American electorate are dealing with.

In both countries a "primal" scream was sent to the politicians but in both they're being ignored.

From my chair it looks like Merkel isn't taking the concerns of her people seriously and the same can be said for Trump and the Republicans in the US.

Who here believes that Trump ran on a promise of tax cuts?

I hadn't considered it but could we be looking at a period of govt instability in the West?

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