Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Seriously Royal Marines? You've gone from kinda strange to twisted freaks!

via Sputnik.
A British soldier was ordered to watch gay porn and masturbate in front of colleagues as part of a bizarre abuse routine.
The marine — who cannot be named for legal reasons — told a UK military court on Monday, November 27, how he suffered post traumatic stress disorder after being told to carry out the solo sex act after failing a map reading test.

The man objected to being put through the ordeal but was told in no uncertain terms by one of two men, now on trial at Portsmouth military court, that he had to conform to the rules. Corporal Danny Foster, 30 and Corporal Philip Beer, 34, are both appearing before the court over the ill-treatment of a subordinate.

The incidents are alleged to have happened at two Scottish nuclear naval bases, Faslane and Coulport, on the banks of the River Clyde between May and August 2014.
Story here. 

Did you catch the location?  These are the 43 Commando Fleet Protection Group...consider them even higher speed USMC FAST Company guys.

I don't know about the Royal Marines.

On one hand I still consider them to be part of the Marine brotherhood so this is batshit crazy.  On the other they're classed as Special Ops so I guess this is to be expected.

I always thought they were kinda strange in a unique Brit way but this is some twisted shit!

How do you even dream up stuff like this?

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