Thursday, December 28, 2017

IDF expands use of Namers across their entire force...

via Jerusalem Post.
The IDF is strengthening infantry units by expanding the use of its advanced Armored Personnel Carrier, dubbed Namer, or “leopard,” and supplying the purple barets Givati Brigade in addition to Golani units already using the vehicle.

“After extensive trials, by the end of 2020 the entire brigade will be operating the Namer,” said a statement by the IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit, adding that the development was a part  of a process of integrating use of the Namer into the IDF as whole.
Story here. 

Namers for everyone huh?  Sure looks like it.  So who's gonna get that new wheeled APC?  Is it just for reserves?  By my count and by reading the article it seems like every active unit in the IDF that rates APCs will be equipped with Namers.

So when the IDF next goes to war, and they sure look like they're gearing up for it just like everyone else, they're gonna be using 2 infantry carriers instead of the huge number we see today.

Namers, and Eitans.

The various heavy APCs based on Centurion and T-55 MBTs are gone.  M-113s are gonna be gone too.  The IDF doesn't seem to be too in love with ANY MRAP vehicle to a large degree and the ones they do operate seem relegated to the police forces they have....

This is extremely interesting.

The rest of the world is massing on the idea of wheeled APCs and the Israelis are going all in on a heavy tracked APC instead.

I would so love to get my hands on combat simulations they've run to see what they came up with when it comes to survivability of the various models around the world.

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