Saturday, December 02, 2017

Political game changer? Mueller removed FBI agent from Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

via Reuters
The New York Times and the Washington Post identified the investigator as FBI agent Peter Strzok, the deputy head of FBI counter-intelligence. He was reassigned last summer to the FBI’s human resources department after the Justice Department’s inspector general began looking into the text messages, the papers said, quoting several unidentified people familiar with the matter.

Strzok played a key role in the FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the papers said.

During that probe and the 2016 presidential election, Strzok and an FBI colleague exchanged texts that disparaged then-Republican candidate Donald Trump and favored Clinton, his Democratic rival, the Washington Post said. The newspapers did not disclose details of the text messages.

Reuters was unable to reach Strzok for comment. The New York Times said that a lawyer for Strzok declined to comment, while the Washington Post said it repeatedly sought comment from Strzok, but received no response.

Mueller’s office confirmed Strzok’s removal, but did not elaborate on the cause.
Story here. 

This is huge and will be used to question the legitimacy of the investigation.  Consider the implications....

1.  The Agent in question was in charge of the Hillary probe.  We already know the Comey (or is it suspect) was a Hillary Supporter/Deep Stater.  This will add fuel to the fire that the FBI prejudged the outcome of that investigation.

2.  This same agent has cracked the rubicon.  He is shown to have political leanings.  For Muller to dismiss him at this late date indicates that at least for awhile, his staff was filled with some that can be said to have a political agenda.

This could be a political game changer...or am I wrong?

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