Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Warhammer News. China preparing refugee camps?

via Defense One.
The Chinese government may be preparing for an influx of refugees from North Korea — if, say, war breaks out on the Peninsula, according to a document obtained by Radio Free Asia.

The document, dated July 7, was produced by China Mobile, the giant state-owned telecommunications company — specifically, by the branch that serves Changbai County on the North Korean border. It says the company was conducting “pre-communications security work for North Korean refugee camps” in the region — specifically, testing signal strength at five potential “refugee settlements,” Radio Free Asia’s Huang Xiaoshan and Lin Guoli write in their Dec. 7 report.
Story here. 

Interesting.  I guess the Chinese are anticipating "leakers" getting thru their border security.  Proper planning on their part.

What I find interesting is the date of the document.  They were getting ducks in a row as far back as July?  I'm sure they do as all modern military forces and have contingency plans for everything from war to little green men landing.

So either this is some advanced planning and a dusting off/refreshing of plans...or they have penetrated our communications and know that this is much different from the standoffs of the past.

Either way it looks like chess pieces are still being moved.  My guess on when "war is declared" hasn't changed and I'm still betting that it will be this winter.  But unless its a shot out of the blue with movements of personnel that aren't noticed by the media/announced by the Pentagon, it's looking like I'm probably wrong.