Monday, January 15, 2018

30,000-strong U.S.-backed force in Syria? Turkey & Syria talk of crushing it? How did we miss this!

via Reuters.
 Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan threatened on Monday to “strangle” a planned 30,000-strong U.S.-backed force in Syria “before it’s even born,” as Washington’s backing for Kurdish fighters drove a wedge into relations with one of its main Middle East allies.

The United States announced its support on Sunday for plans for a “border force” to defend territory held by U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led fighters in northern Syria.

The Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad responded on Monday by vowing to crush the new force and drive U.S. troops from the country. Assad’s ally Russia called the plans a plot to dismember Syria and place part of it under U.S. control.
Story here. 

Who the fuck is coming up with this shit inside the Pentagon?????

Anyone this batshit stupid should be retired to Gitmo before he starts WW3! Who is insane enough to finally see ISIS destroyed only to start new drama over the same ground only seconds after they've been killed?

I really don't get this!

And do you get the timing?

They announced this shit on Sunday while I'm hip deep watching NFL Playoff Football, knowing that Monday is a Federal Holiday?

This was planned so that IT WOULD NOT BE NOTICED!

Guarantee on Monday they'll be back to slamming Trump for saying something else stupid while they're giving us the perpetual war they've been planning for.

Just plain wow.  This is enough to make someone start to drink!

Rant over.  The implications are ominous though.  Either we're gonna support this Kurdish force from assaults from the Russians, Turks, and Iranians (and probably the Iraqis too) or we're gonna leave them in this natural killbox and they're gonna get plowed under and be the next group that says fuck the Americans and we're gonna seeing Kurds planning attacks against us.

I just don't see a positive outcome from this.  Please tell me where I'm wrong.

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