Tuesday, January 02, 2018

IDF creates a new infantry unit along the Gaza strip...

via algemeiner.com
A new elite IDF infantry unit is about to take up its position along Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip.

The Haruv (Carob) unit, named after a renowned force that operated in Israel’s southern desert border in the 1960s and 1970s, was once a regular infantry battalion in the Kfir brigade, focusing on security operations in Judea and Samaria (the territories).

Several months ago, the IDF decided to convert this battalion into an elite unit, and to give it the training, weapons, vehicles and high-tech equipment to fight in Gaza.

Since then, the unit has been selectively recruiting cadets into its ranks and placing them under intense special force training. This process culminated at the end of December, in a large-scale war drill that simulated Gaza’s urban warfare settings.
Story here. 

Wait.  So Israel is starting to operate independent Infantry Battalions?  Are they still part of the Kfir Brigade?  I read that certain battalions in all IDF Brigades were "special operations capable"...is this a return to that old standard?

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