Sunday, January 14, 2018

Is Chinese A2/AD concept even viable considering US forward basing?

This one is short and sweet.

Is the Chinese A2/AD concept even viable considering US forward basing?  Do we face an anti-access problem or are we thinking about this the wrong way?

Think about this.

*  Penetrating an A2/AD fits in perfectly with the US idea of offensive operations.  Are we a slave to offensive operations?

*  The US has numerous forward bases in the region.  Many of them can be considered mega-bases.  Between Japan, Guam, S. Korea and the Philippines (leaving out distant Australia), we are in their backyard.

What if we took a beat and paused.

What if we flipped the script and thought differently.  Thought defensively.  What would we do?

How about instead of thousands of Marines on Guam setup for defensive operations we tailor the force to contain China.

Army Anti-Air Battalions replace some of our forces (yeah...Marines are vicious in offense, tenacious in defense but we don't have the tools for my thinking on this one).  Instead of USAF B-52/B-2 rotating into that air base we instead station pure air defense/superiority squadrons.  Additionally the Navy pivots back to the sea battle in a big way.  They also send pure interceptor/fighter squadrons on the base along with long range anti-ship/sub aircraft (both manned and unmanned).

Of course we put every available ISR platform (within reason) in the area so that we have a better picture of Chinese fleet, air and troop movements.

We repeat that on every base in the region with the exception of S. Korea.  Those forces would be augmented but the deterrence of N. Korea would continue.

My point is this.

We're thinking that we have to break into the region.  We don't.  China has to try and push us out.  We're seeking to tailor the fight to what we're comfortable with.  Offensive operations.  We don't.  We're on the defense.  China will have to go onto the offense.

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