Monday, January 15, 2018

Just wow. This is our civilization?

28-year-old California man is accused of fatally shooting his mother after an argument over a video game headset, police say.

Matthew Nicholson killed his 68-year-old mother, Lydia Nicholson, on January 11, the Ceres Police Department said in a press release. Police said Nicholson was in his bedroom playing video games when he became upset and started yelling. His mother went to check on him.

“Nicholson began to argue with her and he ended up breaking the headset to his video game. Nicholson then blamed the victim for the broken headset and threatened to kill the victim and Nicholson’s father,” police said. “Nicholson then retrieved a handgun from the home and fired two rounds into the wall inside the home and then shot the victim in the head.”

Nicholson fled from the scene and was later arrested during a traffic stop.
Story here. 

You kill your mom over a broken headset?  Just wow.  God supposedly destroyed a city because of its wickedness.  Wonder why he hasn't shot a few bolts of destruction our way?  If they were worse than we are today then they must have been a sight to behold.

But what if they weren't?  What if we're just like those people (forget the name of the place....woman supposedly looked back and turned into dust, salt..something...).

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