Thursday, February 15, 2018

Turkey's "Thank You America" article reveals they're hurting....

The evil you committed against us woke us up. Thank you so much!

Now we have unmanned aerial vehicles

You did not deliver our unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) even though we paid for them. So we have produced our own UAVs. Thanks to you, today, we have become one of the largest UAV producers!

Our defense industry has obtained one of its greatest powers because of the evil you've done. Now, our army is using the tools we produce safely, and by this means it is achieving great success in its struggle against terror.

This is not all! We produced armed UAVs as well. These devices, which only a few countries in the world possess today, are produced by our own engineers with our own technology.

Thanks to the covert sanctions you imposed on drone spare parts, our patriotic engineers have worked harder and started to produce each and every part on their own.

Today we have become capable of exporting to many countries in the world.

All of this came to pass thanks to you! Good thing you didn’t deliver those devices. Thank you!

Now we have a national helicopter

You didn’t deliver our helicopters although you were paid for them. And we have worked even harder to produce the Atak helicopters. We have a national helicopter thanks to you! Today, our troops fly safely with these helicopters, and they are succeeding in the fight against terrorism.

We will become even more powerful, skilled, and become capable of exporting helicopters to the world. Thank you!

Now we have guns, rifles and armored vehicles

You didn’t provide guns to our police, rifles to our soldiers and armored vehicles to our troops. So, we produced our own infantry rifle, our own guns, and our own armored vehicles. Besides, they are of such good quality that they rank among the most prominent weapons in the world.

We no longer need NATO's outdated rifles. We no longer beg for guns, rifles, armored vehicles, or wait at the door.
Story here. 


They're doing a whole lot of chest thumping about their defense industry but if you look at the pieces of it then you'll realize how fragile that advance is and how easily it can be turned around.

Beyond that they accuse us of being part of the coup attempt and close with the thought that ya, the US is evil but all will be forgiven if we shake hands.

I'm not buying any of this.

Turkey is hurting and this little olive branch hides the pain...almost desperation.

I'm enjoying this but wonder if instead of reveling we have an opportunity to get them to moderate a bit.  A cooperative Turkey could be a real good thing.