Wednesday, April 04, 2018

AlmasdarNews has pics of a new US base in Aleppo...

pics via almasdarnews

Now do you see?

If this is true and it sure looks like it then something is going on in Syria outside of KNOWN presidential approval.

Is it possible that there is a secret executive order that allows this type of activity?


Is it possible that the reigns have been taken off US forces that they are acting in what they believe is the Commander's Intent even though he has publicly stated otherwise?


But is it possible that the Special Ops/Small Wars Mafia is trying to run events without proper oversight?

Ordinarily I'd say no, but this has been an EXTREMELY weird war.

This thing is off the rails, ISIS is NOT the primary objective of anyone fighting the damn thing and this appears to be the main game for SOCOM.

So in other words your guess is as good as mine and I have NO FUCKING IDEA of what's really happening here.

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