Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Think Defence is calling it a day....I ask him to reconsider.

Thanks to many people including The Other Chris for bringing this to my attention.

I've been monitoring the Think Defence website after news that they were calling it quits came out.

The roll call of bloggers and commenters (many of note) was long and all had a similar theme....They thanked him for what he did, they showed appreciation for his work and to a man they all said that he would be missed.

I agree with all of the above.


I want to add this.

Reconsider TD. 

Life speeds up on us all.  There will be times when you just can't get it done despite your best efforts.

It happens and when it does your readership will contribute and pass around ideas.  Trust me on this! Once they get used to your new schedule if you miss past a certain time period you'll get notes of concern (I find that amazing, refreshing and inspiring that people I don't know will take the time to ask if I'm ok if I miss a day or two).

If you can't do that I understand but in that case I ask that you remain engaged.  You're too good a writer, too clear a thinker to depart the Military Blogging scene.

If your final answer to my plea is still no then I join everyone else in wishing all the best and thanking you for your contribution over the years.

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