Friday, July 27, 2018

Did Representative Rob Wittman let out a detail most missed about the ACV buy?

We've all read articles by elected officials championing the need for this or that defense system.  It's as common as high dollar hookers in the DC area.  So when I saw that Defense One had an article penned by Representative Rob Wittman of Virginia, I thought nothing of it.

Read it here.

One thing did catch my eye and if the comments are to be taken at face value then most missed it.  Check this part out...
Last month, BAE Systems won a contract to provide new amphibious combat vehicles to the Marine Corps. Thirty of these ACVs are scheduled for delivery by the end of 2019, and the Marine Corps will procure more than 800 vehicles over the next several years, phasing them in to replace its current amphibious assault vehicles, or AAVs. The new vehicle is designed to swim from ships up to 12 miles offshore, bringing 13 Marines and a crew of three from water to ground operations without a tactical pause. This upgrade to the AAVs improves survivability, lethality, and range.
Unless his Aides jumbled the numbers badly then we got a piece of some very interesting news!

If I recall correctly the buy was suppose to be for 200 with upgraded AAVs forming the remainder of the lift needed to transport Marines.

This flips everything on its head.

If the Representative is to be believed then the Marine Corps has decided that the ACV fits the bill for the foreseeable future and they're going to be a straight replacement for the AAV now.

It does lead to some interesting questions though.

*  Has the BAE/IVECO Superav met all the test points for the so called ACV 1.2?

*  What becomes of the ACV 2.0 (or is it 1.3...can't remember)?  Will they still pursue a tracked vehicle with high water speed in the 2030s?

*  If they're sold on the ACV 1.0 does that mean that they've come up with a high speed sled to quicken the pace of ship to shore movements?  Has instream launches of the ACV from the JLTV proven successful?

Everyone got into the usual catfight about amphibious assaults (which I can't stand...they'll question amphibious assault but think that airborne or heliborne assaults are more survivable---and without preparation!) but missed the 900 pound gorilla sitting in the corner (or rather the news that the buy will be for 800 instead of 200 ACVs!).

Amazing but not surprising considering the usual commentary with regard to military issues on the net.

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