Monday, August 27, 2018

2nd BCT Paratroopers Conduct Near Peer Training in Texas

The paratroopers were given a no notice alert to participate in Operation Falcon Journey in order to conduct near-peer training against the 1st Armored Division.

“It was good to integrate with armored and mechanized forces,” said Col. Jason A. Curl, the brigade commander of 2nd BCT. “In a fight against a near-peer threat, once we have seized lodgments, and seized an airfield to be able to bring in those forces to provide the kind of mobility and firepower, the need to destroy near-peer forces will be critical.”

An essential part of the training was the desert conditions and mechanized forces, which provided paratroopers the opportunity to experience new operational conditions and a near-peer which was able to bring heavy armor to the battle.

“Not many of our forces have worked in a desert environment, so getting to work in that type of environment was really good,” said Curl. “It’s a lot different from some of the woods and jungles that we’re used to.”

Another aspect of the training was the use of drones against the paratroopers. The drones mimicked capabilities of a near-pear force.

“I learned just how incredibly complex conducting combat operation against a near-peer enemy in a contested environment can be,” said Capt. Adesola Adepegba, the brigade electronic warfare officer with 2nd BCT. “During Operation Falcon Journey, the enemy had limited electronic attack capabilities however, he was able to deploy commercial drones on the objective as a surveillance asset used to located and target Task Force Falcon.”

With enemies having easy access to capabilities such as these, Adepegba said collaboration and intel play an important role.

“It was increasingly important for the electronic warfare cell to continue to collaborate closely with intelligence to gain a current operational picture of the battlefield in order to bring the right capabilities to the battle field,” said Adepegba. “Had we been equipped with a counter unmanned aircraft system "Drone buster," it would have served as a combat multiplier.”

The Paratroopers of 2nd BCT are a part of the global response force and have the ability to be anywhere in the world within 18 hours.
I find this incredible.

I find it silly on a stick.

The Marine Corps/Navy team practice amphibious assaults and are drilling/practicing and pushing doctrine to not only operate and win on land but to also get the job done just to get to the beach.

The Army/Air Force team practice dropping units and then the units drill on their plan of action once on the ground...BUT THEY NEVER PRACTICE ACTUALLY ENTERING DENIED AIRSPACE!

Will C-17's fly nap of the earth?  What will their escort package look like?  Will they be so deep that the only supporting fires come from F-16s, F-15s, F-18s etc...?  If so how will they last against motorized or mechanized units?

Amphibious Assault is constantly being claimed as being outdated.

If anything the Navy/Marine Corps are working the problem and keeping the concept viable.

I have yet to see the Army/Air Force actually test their forces against a plausible threat (training environment).  That makes Airborne Forcible Entry a joke.

Amphibious Assault is our nation's only real form of Forcible Entry.  Everything else is just rapid response but we do that too! 

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