Wednesday, August 29, 2018

2nd Squadron of the 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment of the Tennessee National Guard, has arrived at Port of Gdańsk, Poland (Task Force Raider)

2nd Squadron of the 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment of the Tennessee National Guard, has arrived at Port of Gdańsk, #Poland 🇵🇱. Task Force Raider will be the lead unit of NATO's enhanced Forward Presence battle group Poland replacing @2dcavalryregiment after its three successful rotations.

This is why I don't get excited about the big Russian exercise (although I just heard the Chinese are participating which kinda perturbes me a bit).

We have forces postured all along their border and we're suppose to get hopped up because they run drills?

To expect them to do otherwise is a sign of immaturity, stupidity or simply being batshit crazy.

Make note though.

We're pissing it away and losing out on a tremendous opportunity because of internal politics instead of thinking strategically.

Russia might NEVER be a friend but we can at least take them off the table of hostile nations.  Quite honestly they should be integrated with Europe.  Trade should be booming between them and that alone would guarantee the safety of the continent.  THEN WE COULD CONCENTRATE on China instead of running forces to Europe prepping for a fight everyone knows isn't coming.

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