Sunday, August 05, 2018

Guess who I heard from? Mike Sparks!!!!

Guess what folks.

I heard from Mike Sparks.  Yeah that's right THAT MIKE SPARKS!  I won't share the e-mail but I'll brace you all for what I hope happens over the next week or two.

I'm catching up on e-mail in the blog folder and I'm gonna offer him a chance to re-introduce himself to the community here.

I can think of few people that need to have a soapbox to stand on to refute some of the jabs, barbs and idiocy throw his way.

If Mike agrees then one other thing will happen.  I hope to talk him into doing guest posts on the blog.  I'm gonna write the other guy that I think was also a great reformer, Mike over at New Wars and see if he would consider the occasional guest post since he isn't blogging anymore.

I don't know what they'll say but I'm thrilled at the possibilities.  Stay tuned!

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