Sunday, August 05, 2018

Russia offers US cooperation in rebuilding Syria.

via Sputnik.
A Reuters report cites a US government memo saying Russia’s Valery Gerasimov contacted the US’ Joseph Dunford. The memo reportedly goes out of its way to underscore how skeptical US is about such a prospect.

The Russian military has reportedly offered the US Armed Forces its cooperation in rebuilding the ravaged nation of Syria, according to a report by Reuters citing a US government memo.

According to the report, Valery Gerasimov, chief of Russia's General Staff of the Armed Forces, contacted US Marine General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on July 19, offering Russia's cooperation in rebuilding Syria and repatriating refugees back to the country. This is the first time such a proposal has been reported, but the details have not yet been disclosed.
Story here. 

1.  Spare me your idiocy on using Sputnik as a source.  It's a news AGGREGATOR and its simply publishing details from a REUTERS news story.  This ain't propaganda.

2.  We're seeing an attempt by the Russian Army Chairman to reach out to his US counterpart offering Russia's cooperation in rebuilding Syria.  Awesome in my mind.  If you're skeptical cool, but it should be investigated and if true acted on.  Endless wars are wrecking us and this craziness in Syria without end NEEDS TO END!

3.  This is the mainstream media's biggest fear.  Probably the biggest fear of elements inside our govt too.  Russia actually being a force of good?  Achieving an end state in the quagmire that is Syria?

I am hopeful that this true.

If it isn't then all we've done is waste a small amount of time but this should be checked out and an end to the war and the rebuilding of the nation planned for.

As far as the next steps in the Russia/US relationship?  How about we cooperate where we can, disagree where we must but simply try to act like adults instead of bickering children.  If we see bad action on their part then we should act.  If we are involved in bad acts towards them we should be prepared for retaliation.

That's how grown ups do business.  Let's be grown ups.

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