Thursday, August 23, 2018

So you're gonna be aviation centric and fight in big cities? Remember Super 61 & Super 64 from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment in Somalia...

Hat Tip To Bmashina Tumblr Page...

So you want to fight in cities....

You think you've cracked the code to get it done clean...

You're aviation centric and you can get in and out without destroying infrastructure...

Targeting has advanced to the point where you can dictate the terms of battle...

Wake Up!

The same was thought in Somalia.  Remember Super 61 and Super 64 and consider the fact that those were the most technologically advanced Black Hawks in our nation's inventory and they were still shot down.

Add a few skyscrapers and people shooting down into the cabin, rotor blades and gear boxes of these up the operation from a Delta sized affair to a Marine or Army Battalion/Brigade and think about the chaos that we're bringing to the party, much less the friction that the enemy will add.

But you still want to fight in cities?

Pass the popcorn, beer and some rosary beads...I'll be getting drunk and praying for all you crazy/batshit stupid bastards....

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