Monday, August 27, 2018

The Spartan Way...via The Art Of Manliness...

The whole article is worth a read but I found this most interesting...
The separation phase of the agoge’s extended rite of passage intensified as well in an experience called the krupteia or krypteia — a name which derives from the word for “secret” or “hidden.” For one year, the Spartan youth had to seclude himself from the polis, living off the land in the countryside, without being seen by the general population. Unarmed and without servants, shoes, or bedding, the experience was designed to test the youth in stealth, resourcefulness, and self-reliance; it was described by Plato as a “wonderfully severe training in hardihood.” (It should be noted that the krypteia is thought by some to be the name for a select, secret force of Spartans who spied on and policed the helot population by night, or for a kind of special operations wing of the Spartan military. Other scholars however, including Kennell, who conducted one of the most extensive studies of the agoge, argues that the term krypteia only rightly applies to this year-long course in bushcraft and wilderness survival, in which all young Spartan males participated.) A test not only of skill and guerrilla-esque adeptness, but also of the ability to thrive in solitude, the krypteia was a culmination of the lessons in courage, toughness, and discipline a young man had been mastering throughout the agoge — another transition point to crown a thirteen-year series of them.
Article here. 

Some people, in my opinion, are over the top in their admiration for the Spartans.  Like many other systems it had its good points and bad.

It's been drilled into to take the good and bad from people I work with, train with that I mean adopt (if possible) the good from them and make note of the bad and seek to banish any trait of that behavior from your own life.

That's why the Krypteia is so fascinating to me.

A year long training "system" that had young men operating in solitude for a year?  Operating alone in the woods with little gear?

I can't think of any modern military training that comes close to replicating that.  The idea that their entire male citizenry was subjected to that kind of rigorous training is both stunning and eye opening.

Could we do a form of that today?

I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

Would it be beneficial (even if scaled back drastically)?

I think it would.  The problem?  I think it would be a great idea but have no idea how it could possibly be done in this day and age.

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