Wednesday, August 01, 2018

What are we missing by not participating in the games in Russia? A peek at Chinese armor in person!

На полигоне Струги Красные в Псковской области проходит гонка на боевых машинах в рамках конкурса АрМИ-2018 среди подразделений ВДВ «Десантный взвод». В конкурсе принимают участие команды из восьми стран. Семь из них выступают на боевых машинах десанта БМД-2 или бронетранспортерах БТР-80 и БТР-82А российского производства. Только китайские десантники соревнуются на своей бронетехнике #tvzvezda #телеканалзвезда #АРМИ2018 #armygames2018 #ВДВ #БТР #БМД #машины #техника #гонки #армия #конкурс #Россия #десантники
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You miss a little you can miss a lot.

What are we missing by not participating at the games (or even sending some FREAKING OBSERVERS!!!)?  A peek at Chinese armor!

I know.  It's not secret squirrel stuff but we could get a look at their mobility over varied terrain.  Yes I know!  They send souped up vehicles that are stripped down for max mobility.  I get it!  But we would still get a peek!

The funny thing?  Suddenly Facebook identifies more accounts that are linked to a new campaign.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!  It takes a year to discover this?

The point is clear.

Get past the hysteria.

Get past the arrogance.

Just think for a little bit.  We don't have to invite them into the house, but if they're throwing a barbeque we can still show up....we might be carrying our Glock 19 in the waistband and it might be filled with Critical Duty 135 grain hollow points but we're still there playing nice.

The same applies to these games.

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