Sunday, August 26, 2018

Why America Desperately Needs as Many F-35s As It Can Get?????

via National Interest.
There is only one near-term answer to the growing IADS threat. It is the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Together with the limited fleet of U.S. F-22s, the F-35, once available in sufficient numbers, holds the promise of maintaining U.S. air superiority for decades to come.

The former commander of the U.S. Air Combat Command, General Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, boldly  asserted that fifth generation aircraft are the keys to victory for U.S. forces in future wars.
Story here. 

Be advised.

THIS STORY IS A RERUN!  They posted the exact same article last month!

The rumors of the F-35 about to get savagely chopped MUST be true or else we wouldn't see damn near panic from Goure and company.

Absolutely awesome!

A decade ago the plane would have been cutting edge and  upgrades would have kept it ahead of the competition.  Today?  Its just another plane in the crowd.

I know many of you are F-35 fanboys and that's ok.  Everyone can get something wrong.  But the reality of this can't escape you.  The buzz is that your plane is gonna get treated like a chicken in the country on a summer day with the coals already hot.  It's gonna be sliced, diced and put on the fire.

How do we know?

Articles like this by paid advocates of the program tell us so.

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