Friday, September 21, 2018

British Fleet Air Arm. ‘Farewell Flight - Mission Complete’....Sea King ends its tour of duty...

fleetairarm‪One of our favourites: ‘Farewell Flight - Mission Complete’. ‬ ‪This team of naval aviators have a serious amount of flying hours & military operations behind them #Heroes #Seaking ‬#milstagram #rnasculdrose #fleetairarm #sailors #pride #fly #flynavy #helicopter #aviation #avgeek #royalnavy #uk #greatbritain #mission #pilot #observer #navigator #aircrew #flight #aircraft

Wow.  The march of time claims another of the world's great aircraft.  The funny thing is that when I think of this airframe I always wander to two variants.  The modified Jolly Green Giants of Vietnam War fame and the British Marine "Junglies" (they bowed out of service a bit ago).