What is the sudden fascination ACROSS the services with ATVs or in Pentagon speak "Infantry Squad Carriers"?
How did we swing between heavily armored wheeled IFV/APCs and ultra light militarized ATVs?
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check this out from Jalopnik...
The U.S. Army is looking for a new vehicle to quickly transport troops across the battlefield. Qualified applicants must carry nine fully-armed infantry soldiers, work after being pushed out of an airplane, and enjoy a road speed of 55 mph. And no armor either. Wait, what?Story here.
The Army recently released a market survey for what it’s calling the Infantry Squad Vehicle, or ISV. The ISV is meant to be an ultra-light vehicle capable of hauling troops across the battlefield. Unlike other vehicles, the ISV is merely a people hauler and won’t actually do any fighting.
We've been seeing this for awhile now. The USMC has been on these tracks for a bit now. We've seen different iterations of Light Strike Vehicles. From Mercedes Benz Trucks modded to do the deep, to the old Vietnam era jeep before that, to a heavily modded "modern but old" jeep for awhile and now the Polaris MRZR.
Haven't kept track of the Army's progress on these things but I do know that the 82nd and Rangers have been all over them lately (the same Polaris MRZR that the Marines
But I keep wondering why?
I could see them acting in a utility role but that's not the plan. Internal carriage aboard helicopters or kicked out the back of C-17's or C-130's and then a ride to combat.
The article talks about them acting as pure battlefield taxis in the latest version of the concept but even that is problematic (at least in my mind). A quick ride to the fight and then enemy fire or a mechanical problem gives whoever is in charge an unwelcome battlefield problem.
I can even envision issues with them acting only as long range patrol vehicles.
I know they're fun. I know zooming around is intoxicating. But the battlefield application has me confused.
Not a rant. Just wondering about the thinking here. Everyone on this blog has taken a look at Russian hybrid warfare. We can expect individual units to located and targeted with some vodka laced steel rain from hell. The Chinese? I have no idea what they're gonna bring but I would be my left testicle that they'll do their own version of the Russian way of war...probably with a bit more artillery added.
But even if you're aiming this at low intensity conflict then the ambush in Africa should be informative.
I'm repeating myself but I just don't see the battlefield application here.