Friday, September 07, 2018

Woman Infantry Grad Had Affair with Company 1st punish consensual sex...this is gonna get sticky....

via Daily Caller.
A female infantry private and her company sergeant had a sexual relationship, the Army Times reports, and both have been punished.

The woman — unidentified in the report — was one of the first females to successfully complete combat training in the infantry and she was assigned to an integrated unit of male and female soldiers in 2017.

Sgt. First Class Chase Usher, the leading noncommissioned officer of his company within the storied 82nd Airborne Division, was the other member of the duo. The two were stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Usher has been moved from a command position to a desk job, according to a public affairs officer who commented on the story.

“Disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the chain of command was taken against both individuals and has been completed,” spokesman Lt. Col. Ramon Osorio told the Times. “Both continue to serve within the division, however, the first sergeant was relieved of his position and currently serves on the staff of a different unit.”
Well this kind of shit was predictable and I don't know the answer.  The sex was consensual yet it is against Army regs.  How do you "properly" punish a consensual sexual relationship?

Additionally there is the small thing of human nature, young people with raging hormones yada yada yada.

The worst thing?

This is only gonna get nastier.

Not impugning the character of all women but someone will be an entrepreneur. Some woman will decide that she has something that is "sought after" (note I didn't say valuable) and will attach a monetary value to that item/body part.

Women in combat is a done deal but they are so far from solving this shit that it ain't funny.  Oh and make note.  This is what we're hearing about early on. Just wait till shit starts going sideways for real.  That's when it's gonna get fun.

Thinking a bit deeper I guess I do have a solution but it's gonna cause chaos with "good order and discipline".  Women in combat is a liberal idea.  To actually make it work you must adopt "liberal" solutions.  That means consensual sex is ok.  That means that relations between people are allowed with caveats.  Short term "flings" are ok and don't require a move of personnel. Longer term "relationships" require command notification and the couple to be assigned to different units.

That's the best I can come up with.  The reality?  This is gonna get sticky, tricky and fun to watch.  I almost pity future military leaders having to deal with this.

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