Thursday, November 22, 2018

Blast from the past....Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST)... McDonnell Douglas + Northrop Grumman + BAe

Note;  Just a trip down memory lane to look at what came before the F-35 combined all the services different programs.  Up now?  The JAST.
From 1994 through 1996, the McDonnell Douglas / British Aerospace / Northrop Grumman team participated in the Concept Definition and Design Research Phase of what was then known as the Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) program which was renamed the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in early 1996. During that time, the McDonnell Douglas / British Aerospace / Northrop Grumman team completed several studies and tests on how they would approach the design of their aircraft. These are but a few of the photographs from that timeframe. On 16 November 1996, a downselection was announced which eliminated the McDonnell Douglas / British Aerospace / Northrop Grumman team from the JSF competition.

I'm far from an expert but do you notice how much more "stealthy" this plane appears?  Also take note...we can't be certain but I'd wager that it's at least 5K if not more lighter than the F-35.  My eyes might deceive but it also appears to have been planned with a lift fan instead of thrust vectoring.

I guess since we didn't build it, the only thing we can do is hope that the Chinese aren't taking a look at it and planning to do what we chose not to.