Monday, December 17, 2018

BAE was offering a very robust upgrade package for the AAV at one time...

I was circling back thru some old YouTube videos and ran across the sample above.  Did you watch it?  BAE was offering a very robust upgrade package for the AAV at one time.  The firepower upgrade is intriguing alone but the possibilities for bigger power plants etc...were noteworthy.

If the ACV meet mobility specs (and we're not faced with the travesty we saw on a beach landing of a stuck HUMVEE) then it's going to be a worthy steed to replace the old AAV warhorse.

Even better is the impression that I'm getting from HQMC that they're getting ready to replace the ACTIVE AAVs on a more than one for one basis with at least an allotment of gun variants (whatever that means...hit my e-mail Pacheco with some info bro!!!).

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