Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Dunford on Syria. Nothing has changed... ""Right now, you're American soldiers, you have a mission, just get after it."

The Trump administration reportedly ordered the Pentagon to make plans to withdraw some 7,000 troops from the country late last week, but Army Gen. Scott Miller, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, told local media Sunday that orders of a pullout had not yet reached the leadership here.

On Christmas Eve, Dunford told the troops at this austere base about 60 miles south of Kabul that he'd ensure their leaders got word as soon as anything changes.

"When there is something else to tell you, I'll make sure Gen. Miller knows in real time what changes may be taking place," he said. "Right now, you're American soldiers, you have a mission, just get after it."
Dunford visited Camp Dahlke West as part of the annual Chairman's Holiday USO Tour that also included events with soldiers in Norway, Bahrain and on the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis that deployed to the Persian Gulf earlier this month.
And there you have it.

This is how the "deep state" or more clearly stated in this case, the Pentagon, acts to slow walk orders from the President.

If a President is "the hotness" or if he has cleverly placed his people in the proper positions then the military (as big as it is) can literally pivot on a dime.

If he isn't then the military can slow walk even a direct order.

It ain't suppose to be that way.

The Commanders Intent is clear.  If Trump had proper military advisers in key positions then to be quite honest Dunford would be extremely close to insubordination.  He leads the military council that supposedly carries out the orders of the President.

To state that he hasn't received word yet is not true.  He knows what's expected but he's going to operate on formality to keep things in check. In other words he's gonna wait till he has paperwork in hand before he moves an inch.

This is why I labeled this act by Mattis almost a threat to democracy.

We are witnessing the US military having a public squabble with political leadership.  How is this different?

These aren't retired officers voicing disapproval.

These bubbas are active.

The elected President of the United States just told his military that he wants the war to wind down in Syria and the military is saying that they need the i's dotted and t's crossed before they move.  How is that being proactive?  How is that anticipating action and acting accordingly?

This bears watching.  Depending on how this plays out we could be witnessing almost rogue action by the Pentagon?

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