Thursday, December 20, 2018

Hungary to buy Leopard 2A7+ Main Battle Tanks???

Thanks to Random Reader for the link!

via KMW Press Release.
The NATO and EU country Hungary is modernizing its land forces and is also seeking European cooperation in terms of its equipment.

In the course of this modernization process, Hungary signed a contract with the German military technology company Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) on 19 December 2018 for the delivery of 44 newly manufactured Leopard 2 A7 + battle tanks and 24 newly manufactured PzH 2000 armored howitzers.

In addition, Hungary procured 12 used Leopard 2 A4 battle tanks from KMW's inventory for training purposes. The project is another step towards more interoperability between European armies. Hungary's Defense Minister Tibor Benkö emphasized that the treaty would strengthen the good and wide-ranging cooperation between the German and Hungarian armies.

I did not see this coming!  Question.  It would hurt some native defense industries on the continent but would it make sense for Europe to standardize certain pieces of kit?  For example, everyone drive the Leopard 2A7+.  Maybe it could be produced locally but everyone would have the same kit to lower costs (does it work that way?). 

A common rifle would be purchased.  Common camo pattern uniform.  Common airplane.  All that jazz but it would be produced in each individual country. 

Isn't that what NATO was attempting in the first place?  This would take it to the next level but would only make sense if costs could be lowered and local industry protected.

Is this even doable?

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