Thanks to many who have pointed to this news...
via Bloomberg...
The reason for buying the F-15X aircraft would be to start replacing the F-15 C variants for the Air National Guard, which have become to expensive to overhaul, one of the people said. Production of the C variants ended in the 1980, said Richard Aboulafia, an expert on military aircraft and vice president of the Teal Group, a consulting firm.Story here.
Boeing builds the F-15 in St. Louis, where it also builds the Super Hornets, an aircraft that has benefited from congressional largesse over the last several years. Boeing has kept the F-15 design current, said Aboulafia.
“They have been able to do that because of sales to Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar,” he said in a telephone interview, adding that the planes have new systems and sensors.
“The F-15 is kind of in a class by itself in range and performance,” Aboulafia said. It’s faster, carries a lot more and can go a lot farther than the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the newest and the most expensive Pentagon program, The F-35 is, however, stealthy, which the F-15 isn’t, Aboulafia said.
The decision to buy the newest version of the F-15 may not sit well with F-35 supporters within the Pentagon and in Congress because it would essentially compete for funding.
This is too easy! I would get up on a soapbox but in an attempt to spare some hurt feelings I'll just leave this hear and let the F-35 crowd drown in it's tears...
Let me go and add this piece of the article. Shanahan recused himself from all matters Boeing. He's not a part of this decision. I'm not saying this, the article is saying this.
The decision to buy the newest kind of F-15 aircraft, so far only sold to U.S. allies, comes from the Pentagon’s top leadership, including with some prodding from Deputy Secretary of Defense Pat Shanahan, and not the Air Force, which would be flying the planes, the two people said. Shanahan, a former Boeing Co. executive, recused himself from any decisions related to Boeing when he was confirmed by the Senate.So there you have it FAN BOYS. Get over yourselves. The F-35 program is HOPELESSLY late. Continues to underperform. If military leadership was being honest then they'd smash the program for being a non-hacker. They'd do it in a heartbeat with a PFC but with a program they turn yellow. Simply amazing.
But an administration official, who asked not to be named, said Shanahan doesn’t make decisions on Boeing programs.