Sunday, December 23, 2018

Too big to ignore now. What are the Russians doing on the border of Ukraine...

via TASS
The first fighters landed at the Belbek airfield in Sevastopol after the completion of the reconstruction of the runway, reports TASS.

Earlier it was reported that construction work at the airport began in the spring of 2018. To date, the construction of the first-line facilities has been completed - a runway 3450 m long, taxiways and aircraft parking lots and special-purpose platforms, which allows scheduled flights and flights of military aircraft around the clock in various weather conditions. At the time of the work of the Su-27SM and Su-30M2 Fighter Regiment of the 4th Army Air Force and Air Defense were based at the airport of the city of Krymsk in the Krasnodar Territory.

On Saturday, the first technical landing was made at the Sevastopol airfield - Su-30M2 fighters flew from Krymsk. One of the airplanes was controlled by the commander of the 4th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense Viktor Sevostyanov. He noted that the Tu-134a passenger aircraft also landed at the airfield on Saturday.

As Sevostyanov explained, this was also a technical flight, according to the report of the crew commander, it went well. Sevostyanov called the airfield beautiful and expressed the hope that it would be a good help for residents of the Crimea, and for guests from all countries.
Story here. 

I might have been wrong.

Events taken individually could be explained away.  Taken as a whole then it becomes a bit alarming.

Shit happens.  Commanders can get itchy fingers and let their emotions take over.  Thought that with the naval incident off the coast of Crimea.

We've been running huge exercises (and small ones) all over Europe.  A reaction was to be expected is what I thought when I saw the build up of forces across the border of Ukraine.

But now this?  The Russian Air Force sends its top line fighters for a technical flight?

This reeks.

This is too big to ignore or lay to the side as just part of super power games.

From my chair something is up.

What exactly?

I have no idea.  But let me repeat.  This reeks.

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