Wednesday, December 12, 2018

US Army explores enhanced lethality possibilities on Stryker

via Shepard Media.
The US Army continues to explore counter-UAS (C-UAS) capabilities and new gun possibilities for its Stryker armoured vehicle.

In November 2018 Northrop Grumman successfully demonstrated a full kill chain C-UAS capability during the Maneuver Fires Integrated Experiment (MFIX).

An event held by the US Army, MFIX saw Northrop Grumman Armament Systems showcase its AUDS-Kinetic Energy (AUDS-KE) demonstrator which consists of the counter-UAS system integrated into a Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV).

The ICV was also equipped with a Northrop XM914 (M230LF) Light Weight 30mm Bushmaster Chain Gun mated to a remote weapon station.

According to a company spokesperson, ‘the AUDS-KE demonstrated both a lethal and non-lethal capability to defeat Class 1 and 2 drones as well as lethal defeat of ground targets’.

All objectives of the MFIX exercise were met including the XM914 firing the company’s new 30mm HEI-T ammunition. The new ammunition adds a tracer and Northrop Grumman's Low Drag fuze technologies.

‘The addition of the gun provides a very big upgrade from the Stryker’s .50 calibre manned machine gun,’ the spokesperson added. The XM914 is able to provide more range and firepower.

Northrop Grumman recently did a major upgrade of the Second Cavalry Regiment’s Stryker fleet with the XM813 (MK44) 30x173mm Bushmaster Chain Gun on an unmanned turret. Deliveries of the XM813 concluded in March 2018.

‘The army sees that an XM914 on a remote weapons station would also provide a major upgrade in firepower without adding a lot of extra weight to the vehicle,’ the spokesperson said.

However, there is not yet a specific requirement for the gun but it is something that the army is interested in. The gun provides both a C-UAS capability and offensive firepower capability against various ground-based targets.

In addition, one of the demonstration tasks was to show that systems would be able to integrate on to the FAAD C2 network which Northrop said it did successfully, as well as demonstrating how its electronic capability and kinetic capability (gun and ammunition) can work together or separately.

'Being networked allows you to have visibility on threats in your area as well as having the capability to either receive a target to service or provide target information to other systems on the network to engage as needed,' the spokesperson noted.

The AUDS provides electronic attack capability through Northrop’s partner, Liteye, and during MFIX showcased its mature detect, track, identify and defeat against low, slow, small quad-copters at 1-3km range.

Passive UAS detection also made up the capability which was provided by Citadel. 
I see that after action provided by that Ukrainian Lt following his unit being torn apart and him having to escape and evade back to his own lines after being overrun(?) has the US Army making moves.

One thing concerns.

I'm seeing much work on dealing with enemy UAVs but I'm not seeing much effort to counter enemy fires. 

One thing just sings to me though.

That might be a light weight 30mm cannon but its still a step above the 50 cal.  That needs to become the standard new gun for non-turreted vehicles. The 50 has been great but it's past time to move forward.

The synergy here is awesome.  Solve one problem and you have the potential to gain in several other areas.

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