Thursday, February 14, 2019

Controversial Question. Is America evil, are we allowing necessary evils or are we victims of an out of control govt?

This is controversial so let's keep it between the lines guys.

Is America evil, are we allowing necessary evils to be done in our name or are we victims of an out of control govt?

Don't get it twisted!

I don't think for a second that the rank and file (especially the people that frequent this blog) are anything but patriotic Americans.  We might disagree.  Are views might range from the far left to the far right but at the end of the day we all want America and Americans to be safe, prosperous and happy.

But does that apply to certain corporations and govt agencies/bureaucrats?

Again don't get it twisted.  I'm not saying that the post man is part of a surveillance system designed to keep tabs on Americans.  But at the same time every piece of mail you receive is tagged and tracked.  That FBI agent that is kicking in doors at o-dark thirty is fighting bad guys and putting his life on the line, but we've also seen how they've practically destroyed a president because certain individuals that were high ranking enough had an agenda (my opinion...not a fan of Trump's behavior but I can see a setup when I see one).

Don't get me started on Hollywood or major corporations that have gone from being entertainers/marketers to voices that pick and choose sides in our social debates.

I guess the perfect example are the wars.  We have been at war for almost two decades. That's unprecedented yet no poll is ever taken on if we should continue and even anti-war factions have suddenly seen value in them.

So I again ask you to be civil but to answer the question.  What gives?  Are we evil, are we allowing evil to be done in our name or are we victims of an out of control govt?

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