Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Stryker Upgrades continue but its the weak link in Army modernization plans...

Not at all impressed.  The concept is good.  The vehicle is elderly.  The interim Stryker has served too long and is NOT worthy of continued upgrades.

I've been so focused on shortfalls in the Marines, Navy and Air Force that I failed to realize the terrible spot the Army is in.

In essence they need to replace everyone of their Cold War/Desert Storm era vehicles and the money is just not there.

Tough choices are having to be made and it appears that one tough pill to swallow will be the Stryker continuing on into the 2030's.

That's tragic.

Want to see the weak link in the US Army force structure?  It's the Stryker Brigades.  

They won't hold up to even tribals much less a peer.

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