Sunday, March 17, 2019

USAF surrenders to mother nature...the US military has been trashed by bad weather lately!

via Omaha World Herald.
Even the U.S. Air Force couldn't stop the Mighty Missouri River from flooding Offutt Air Force Base.

Between Saturday night and early Sunday, the 55th Wing called off a 30-hour, round-the-clock sandbagging effort because the floodwaters were rising too fast.

"It was a lost cause. We gave up," said Tech. Sgt. Rachelle Blake, a 55th Wing spokeswoman.

By Sunday morning, one-third of the base was underwater, she said. About 60 structures have been damaged, most on the south end of the base. No one, though, has been injured.
Story here. 

The most powerful military in the world humbled by bad weather.  Pretty stunning in my opinion.

Do we need to rethink basing?

I think so.  If nothing else we need to do a better job of fortifying building and ensuring that they're above flood plains.  Bases on the coast need to have all buildings certified to withstand hurricane force winds, in the midwest they need to be built to withstand tornadoes, etc...

I think we need to move away from aesthetics to what can actually withstand wild weather.  Something like you see below but on a much larger scale perhaps...

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