Friday, May 31, 2019

Hack Shows Extent of Private Data US License-Plate Readers Collect

via Sputnik.
The companies that sell car license-plate readers used by US authorities to track drivers within its borders collect far more information than most would think possible ‒ and fail to adequately protect that personal data, as a recent hack shows.

These license-plate readers collect and store information including peoples' locations, zip codes and even MP3 files, presumably from individuals' computers. Invasive technologies and the "surveillance state" they reveal are a major privacy concern, technologist Chris Garaffa told Sputnik.

On Thursday, a hacker using the name "Boris Bullet-Dodger" contacted technology news website the Register, providing internal data belonging to Perceptics, a US company that designs "vehicle identification and license-plate recognition products to serve border control, commercial vehicle enforcement, electronic toll collection and security industries," according to its website.

"These license-plate readers — these are terrifying," Garaffa told Radio Sputnik's By Any Means Necessary host Sean Blackmon. "They exist when you go through a toll. If you don't have to stop, they have them on there. Cops have license-plate readers on their cars. Truck companies have these license-plate readers, and they all have to connect back to DMV [Department of Motor Vehicle] databases. So, these license-plate generator readers are constantly taking data from your car when you're going down the street or when they [law enforcement] are driving down the street and you're parked at home," Garaffa added. 
Story here. 

For most of my readers you're already out there.  No need to be too concerned about this type of thing. 


Because you were in the military.  If you were in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines...Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserves or worked for a "trigger" govt agency (FBI, CIA, US Marshals etc...) then you're already probably indexed and cataloged.


From your DNA to fingerprints and everything in between.

Add in the fact that many of you are on Tricare or use the VA and continue to work for public agencies today (and I include major corporations in that) then you can basically forget it.

Oh and let me add something else.  If you blog (like yours truly), comment frequently on blogs, use Twitter, Facebook (God save you....your info is on the black market for sure), Instagram and others then that just adds to it.

Factor in the other must have for guys like us....CCW lic...Drivers Lic...membership in certain organizations (from the VFW, Marine League, NRA etc...) and you're basically an open book.

But this shit still irritates.

You know what the biggest mistake the public made on the war on terror?  To allow ONE horrific event to unleash a cascade of events that ultimately is making us slaves to the govt.

Big data is here.

When we allowed the Patriot Act to go into law without proper debate and limitations...when we chose security over the day that we started to lose it all.

The crazy thing?  A fucking Russian newspaper is telling us the news.  Fuck me!  We live in interesting and ironic ass times.

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