Monday, August 26, 2019

Czech Republic orders the Marine Corps mix...the AH-1Z & UH-1Y...

via Helios.
 The Czech Republic announced acquisition of 12 Bell military helicopters valued $ 622 million.

Defence Minister Lubomir Metnar said eight UH-1Y Venom and four AH-1Z Viper will be delivered by 2023.

The deal includes weaponry and support equipment.

The Czech Air Force chose the Bell helicopters over the Sikorsky Black Hawk.

The Czech Republic has pledged to raise defense spending according NATO agreements. This will go up from current 1.2% of gross domestic product to 1.4% in 2021 and 2% in 2024.

The UH-1Y, a utility helicopter capable to carry up to 10 soldiers, shares common engines and flight dynamics with the gunship AH-1Z.

The UH-1Y and the AH-1Z were specially developed for the US Marine Corps and are the latest helicopters within the legendary “Huey” H-1 family which trace its origin back to the Vietnam War. These new build advanced aircraft began production in 2005.
Story here.

These helicopters should serve them well.  Hopefully they'll see savings with the 85% commonality that these birds share.  Not sure about flying but supposedly they also share common cockpits.

From my seat this looks like a brilliant buy.