Is it the definition of an overkill? O.o— Marcin Niedbała (@MarcinNiedbala) September 4, 2019
24 Brimstone 3 missiles.
I doubt that our MoD has enough money for so many missiles for several dozen tank destroyers ;(
This showed up on my Twitter feed and I thought it was the tank destroyer concept the Poles are working on but I don't recognize the vehicle. Additionally the guy that posted the image said that they were Brimstone missiles which added to my confusion.
Anyone have any idea what this is?
UPDATED....found it...
We are proud to have just signed a agreement on our joint #TankDestroyer concepts at #MSPO with @PGZ_pl. We can equip many Polish armoured vehicles with #Brimstone missiles to rapidly destroy massed enemy armour in all weather conditions. #WZM #HSW #OBRUM— MBDA (@byMBDA) September 4, 2019