Saturday, November 02, 2019

B Company, 3rd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment @ the Basic Jungle Warfare course (Centre d’Entraînement en Forêt Équatoriale) French Guiana

Note.  I stand by this statement.  If you can operate effectively in the jungle then you can operate anywhere!  Every environment has its own unique challenges but I believe that there is a reason why the Royal Marines emphasize jungle warfare and to a lesser degree winter/mountain warfare so much.  In my estimation those are the two most formidable places to work with arctic being a close second to jungle.  Want a "hard" force?  Want a force that can hook and jab anywhere in the world at a moments notice?

Put them in the jungle.  Get them used to the arena where the entire environment crawls, where discomfort isn't just to be expected but to be endured.  Do that and you have a hard force.

Have the Canadians globbed onto that?  Time will tell but I enjoyed these pics.