Six officiers, seven Warrant Officers and NCOs killed in helicopters collision in Mali.— Harry Boone (@towersight) November 26, 2019
Most of them are from 5e Combat Helicopter Reg. and Mountain Brigade Units.
The Transport Helo crashed was an AS352 Cougar not a Caiman as 1st stated
Britain helped in rescue mission to retrieve bodies of 13 French personnel killed in tragic helicopter crash in Mali yday.— Lucy Fisher (@LOS_Fisher) November 26, 2019
RAF Chinook has transported French combat troops back & forth to forward operating base near crash site. All bodies of the dead now retrieved, I understand
Africa is Afghanistan on steroids in the modern era. The distances are too great, the rules of engagement too strenuous and the forces deployed too few to make a difference.
May the memory of those that perished be a blessing.
Make no mistake about it. This will not be the last time parents/wives/children cry over loved ones, this effort will not change things on the ground and the Europeans will eventually abandon this looming quagmire and go home.