Sunday, November 03, 2019

Kongsberg signs for Norway's Ground Mobile Anti-Aircraft System (NASAMS)

Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace AS (KONGSBERG) today signed a contract with the Norwegian Defense Materials Service worth SEK 583 million for the delivery of a mobile ground-based anti-aircraft system to the Norwegian army.

According to the company in a press release, the Army Mobile Ground Based Air Defense System was first introduced by the Minister of Defense in February 2017 as part of a direct procurement process from KONGSBERG.

This system is an ultra-mobility short-range anti-aircraft defense system that will reuse ready-made basic capabilities from the NASAMS system including a command and control system and unique network-centric solutions.

In addition to data from NASAMS, the system completes the IRIS-T missile from Diehl Defense GmbH as well as a radar from Weibel Scientific A / S.
Story here. 

Kind of a mix and match system they're going for here.  The IRIS-T and a radar from Weibel Scientific (never heard of them)?

Any of my Norwegian readers have a good line on this thing?  They really can't be considering using a M-113 into the future as their rig to transport this system can they?