Friday, November 08, 2019

Royal Marines exploring the use of armed unmanned ground vehicles disembarking from landing craft...

Milrem must be loving this.  Are they that good or are they simply early to the market?

Regardless the USMC would be wise to piggyback off the Army's effort in this field.

Imagine an LCAC dropping 6 Textron Ripsaw M5's on the beach while an ACV platoon swims ashore from 3 miles out after doing an instream launch from a few other LCACs!  The Ripsaw's either secure the perimeter or blast forward to the objective, wait and provide route security or even carry out diversionary attacks on a different target!

Haven't been a fan of robotic vehicles but the die is cast so we must boldly charge into the future.

How about a few experiments HQ USMC?  I'm sure the US Army and/or Textron would let us borrow a few!

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