Thursday, January 30, 2020

Experts say WHO should declare coronavirus outbreak world health emergency

via SCMP
*World Health Organisation committee will convene on Thursday for third time in a week to assess the situation

*Former WHO adviser on communicable diseases says there is ‘imminent risk’ of international spread
Public health experts say the WHO needs to declare the coronavirus outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan a global emergency, as Beijing itself locks down cities containing more than 50 million people in the world’s biggest ever national response to an infectious disease crisis.

The calls come as the World Health Organisation is set to reconvene its emergency committee in Geneva later on Thursday – the third time in a week – to assess whether the new virus spreading from China now constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern”, or PHEIC.

The pneumonia-like illness has killed 170 people and sickened more than 7,000 in China so far, with dozens more cases confirmed elsewhere, including in the United States, Japan, Thailand and Germany.
The 16 independent experts on the WHO’s emergency committee will advise director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the decision and give recommendations for managing the outbreak.

This could change EVERYTHING!  I don't know what the decision will be but IF they declare a global emergency then globalization might take a hit that it can't recover from.

China might take a hit that sets them back for a couple of years.

This COULD be a future changing event for the Chinese.  Time will tell but I'm betting that WHO will receive pressure from a number of parties from govts, to celebrities to corporations all pushing for them NOT to declare an emergency.

This thing is getting interesting.