La startup aérospatiale chinoise One Space a livré un TEL à un institut de recherche militaire pour préparer les vols d'essai à venir.— East Pendulum (@HenriKenhmann) March 27, 2020
Le véhicule Tracteur-érecteur-lanceur fait 3,4m de haut, 19m de long et pèse 41t. Il semble être adapté aux lanceurs de série M et X d'One Space
Translated from French by Google..Forgive my ignorance but I'm at a loss for why this would be necessary. Loss of sats would only happen in a major conflict. To build mobile launchers would indicate that they're preparing for strikes on their home us...The United States.
Chinese aerospace startup One Space has delivered a TEL to a military research institute to prepare for future test flights.
The Tractor-erector-launcher vehicle is 3.4m high, 19m long and weighs 41t. It seems to be suitable for One Space M and X series launchers
In my worse case scenarios I never envisioned that type of fight with them. Could they?