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Three Royal Air Force photographers, two from the Photo ACSSU, one from the Joint Air Delivery Test and Evaluation Unit, deployed to RAF Brize Norton on Friday to capture the landing of a Turkish Air Force - TUAF Airbus A400M. . The Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (Turkish Air Force) Airbus A400M flown by the 221st Squadron "Breeze", as part of the 12th Air Transportation Main Base Command, lifted out of Ankara’s Etimesgut Air Base under the call-sign OAN2901, delivering crucial supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical staff, which were delivered for distribution around the country. . Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the following, “The delivery of this vital equipment will bring protection and relief to thousands of critical workers across the UK, as they bravely and tirelessly work to keep us safe." . He added, “As NATO Allies we can always depend on each other, whatever the threats we face.” . RAF bases have been a vital resource during the coronavirus pandemic, with military and chartered civilian flights utilising them to deliver resources and repatriate Britons stranded across the globe. . The delivery by Turkey comes after 37 tonnes of UK aid was supplied by an RAF C-17 last month to those affected by the crisis on its border with Syria. The UK has also received 60 ventilator units from the German army, as it continues to strengthen its resources to fight coronavirus. . Ministry of Defence 🇬🇧🇹🇷. . @royalairforcebrizenorton @royalairforceuk @airbus @airbus_defence @turkhavakkuvvetleri nato #soldier #royalairforce #raf #turkishairforce #cocpit #aviationphotography #aircraft #a400m #airbus #aviation #luftwaffe #airport #airforce #bundeswehr #plane #germanairforce #military #covid19 #coronavirus #corona #virus #covid_19 m #news #covid #stayhome #korona #stayathome
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RAF Photographers (@rafphotographers) on
Apr 11, 2020 at 11:01am PDT
To be blunt, if I didn't see these pics courtesy of the RAF I would never have believed it.
Seems like a certain "controversial" reader of mine is spot on. Glad I kept him around despite the views of a couple of people.
Turkey is stepping up.
Nice to see.
Another bonus? Unlike another so called rising power, their shit seems to work.
Good on the Turks. Now if someone can get FNSS to send me a few models of their vehicles life will be good in the new age of the pandemic (saying that cause you guys do realize that by the time we get a vaccine for this one, another will be rolling out of China).